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B1、B2 Parking area

B1、B2 Parking area

General Public Charge Parking Area (Opening Hours: 24 Hours Operation)
Provides nightly parking (registration)
B1-B2 Car Parking: A total of 63 people
Parking vehicle: "B1 height limit": 2.0m, "B2 height limit": 1.9m
Please pay the fee at the service counter on the first floor (opening time: 24 hours operation)
(If there are changes in consecutive holidays, please refer to the latest announcement of the site and website)

Opening time

Open 24 hours a day


30 NT$/hour, (B1-B2 car, total 63).
【Parking Hours: 24 hours, 24 hours a day, or a single price, regardless of time period】

  • Monthly Rent (24 hours a day)Monthly Rent: $4,200/month 【Mon-Fri】 / $4,800/month 【Mon-Sun】
  • Daytime rent(7am - 7pm)Monthly rent: $3,600/month 【Mon-Fri】 / $3,900/month 【Mon-Sun】
  • Monthly Rent (7pm-7am) Monthly Rent: $3,000/month 【Mon-Fri】 / $3,300/month 【Mon-Sun】
According to the relevant provisions of the 2/12 Announcement, the method of drawing lots for day and night-month rental vehicles is currently welcomed by the public to register at the counter.

Accessibility equipment
  • Accessibile Elevator
  • Disabled parking only
User Guide

  1. This parking lot is open (open 24 hours a day) to open access to vehicles
  2. Due to safety considerations, this parking lot is only for small vehicles and Not to parking bicycle.
  3. Please park according to the prescribed parking space. If you fail to park or block the passage as required, resulting in damage to the vehicle, you should be responsible for it yourself and you must be compensated for the loss of the third party.
  4. Basement parking lot is completely banned from smoking to ensure safety and penalties for offenders.
  5. Disposal of garbage, spitting and betel nut juice is prohibited, so as to keep the parking lot clean.
  6. Except for the storage of fuel tanks in each vehicle tank, no fuel is allowed to be stored in the parking lot.
  7. If a vehicle malfunctions or catches fire, the fire protection system should be started as soon as possible to notify the personnel of the management center to broadcast a notice to other vehicle owners to drive away the vehicle so as not to endanger other vehicles.
  8. 8. To avoid danger, children should not enter the parking alone. Car should be drive by the driver and children should be lead by the driver.
  9. Dangerous goods (such as flammables, explosives, etc.) must not be placed in the car. If any personnel of the management center finds suspicious activity, they may be required to inspect the inside of the car and the trunk so as to prevent accidents.
  10. It is forbidden to wash the car in the parking, install and place articles privately or throw away rubbish to keep the site tidy.
  11. When the rainfall is too heavy, it should be self-evaluated to remove vehicles from the weather.
  12. The vehicle user should keep the ticket card properly and pay with the ticket card. If the ticket card is lost, should carry relevant documents such as the driving license and driver's license, and go to the Service Department to renew the verification procedures. If there is no record, should Starting from zero hours on the day of parking, and leave after paying the parking fee.
  13. Vehicles entering and exiting shall follow the signs and markings in the parking lot or in accordance with the direction indicated by the management personnel. When the vehicle is parked, the vehicles shall be checked into vehicles according to the signs, markings and parking spaces to ensure safety. In case of obstructing the movement or parking of other vehicles, the parking lot operators may be required to remove the vehicles to the appropriate premises according to the provisions of Article 32 of the Parking Lot Law, and may request a 2000 NT$ resettlement fee if parking accidents or damages are caused in the parking lot due to illegal parking. Related parking facilities, vehicle users shall be liable for damages.
  14. "The parking lot is for parking only and it is not responsible for any custody!"
    References:1、"Monthly/Quarterly Lease Contract for Parking Spaces in Shilin Sports Center of Taipei City"
    References:2、"Administrative Measures on Parking in Shilin Sports Center in Taipei City"
    ★If the above information is revised, the "Latest Measures" notice on the service counter on the first floor of the Shilin Sports Center
  15. Monthly parking regulations
    1. For signing contract, please refer to the full text of"Leadership Agreement for Parking in Shilin Sports Center in Taipei City"【Click to preview】
    2. Each parking space in the parking lot, with 【three months】 as the flood season (day and night opening hours and usage methods are as follows):
      Monthly rent 【Parking hours: 24 hours a day, nights, weekdays, or weekdays with monthly rentals during holiday periods】
      • Monthly Rent (24 hours a day) Monthly Rent:NT$ 4,200 /month 【Mon-Fri】 / NT$ 4,800 /month 【Mon-Sun】(Three months is a season, the monthly rental costs 3 quarters Rent pricing)
      • Monthly rent during the day (7am to 7pm) Monthly rent:NT$ 3,600 /month 【Mon-Fri】 / NT$ 3,900 /month 【Mon-Sun】 (Three months is a season, the monthly rental costs 3 quarters Rent pricing)
      • Monthly rental (evening from 7pm to 7am) Monthly rent:NT$ 3,000 /month 【Mon-Fri】 / NT$ 3,300 /month 【Mon-Sun】 (Three months is a season, the monthly rental costs 3 quarters Rent pricing)
    3. The car park parking spaces are available for hire during this time, but there is no guarantee of a fixed parking space and the number of parking spaces available. Please consult the parking space lease agreement before renting and agree to complete the lease procedure again.
    4. (Parking Day and Night Monthly Parking Capacity: Each Open 3 Parking Spaces)
    5. (Car parking registration lottery method)
      (Draw lots and announce five days before use, take 3 positions and 2 reserve)
      (The fees are not paid before 22:00 on the two days prior to the date of hiring, and are replaced by reserve list.)